After the signing of the Convention Respecting an Extension of the Hong Kong Territory in 1898, Tai Po, located in the middle of the eastern part of the New Territories, came under the administration of the Hong Kong government and became the administrative centre of the New Territories. The photo shows the Tai Po Market.

圖片轉載自何惠儀,游子安撰,明基全編《教不倦:新界傳統教育的蛻變》( 香港:區域市政局,1996 ),頁39
Group photo of the Alumni Association of Taipo Vernacular Normal School
Source: Tom K. C. Ming, ed. Joyce W. Y. Ho, and C. O. Yau, Jiaobujuan: Xinjie chuantong jiaoyu de tuibian [From Study Hall to Village School], Hong Kong, The Regional Council, 1996, p. 39
In 1898, after the signing of the Convention Respecting an Extension of the Hong Kong Territory, the government, in order to develop the New Territories, urgently needed to train qualified teachers for primary schools in the New Territories. Moreover, the Seamen’s Strike in early 1922 and the Canton-Hong Kong Strike in 1925 brought about a strong upheaval and heightened national sentiment in Hong Kong society. As a result, in 1926, the government established Taipo Vernacular Normal School.
Taipo Vernacular Normal School operated on a three-year system and had only three classes in total, with one class per grade, mainly enrolling students with primary school education levels. The school had a lenient admission policy but strict graduation requirements. During its sixteen years of operation, it trained sixty graduates who went on to teach in schools across the New Territories, contributing to the development of basic education in the New Territories. In 1941, Taipo Vernacular Normal School was closed due to the Japanese invasion of China.