官立男子漢文師範學堂 & 官立漢文女子師範學堂 Vernacular Normal School for Men & Vernacular Normal School for Women
1920年,附設於庇理羅士女子中學內的官立漢文女子師範學堂成立 In 1920, the Vernacular Normal School for Women was established on the campus of Belilios Public School
圖片來源:香港歷史博物館藏品,香港特別行政區政府准予複製 Source: Reproduced by Permission of the Government of the HKSAR from the Collection of the Hong Kong Museum of History
官立男子漢文師範學堂 & 官立漢文女子師範學堂 Vernacular Normal School for Men & Vernacular Normal School for Women
官立男子漢文師範學堂位於圖中文武廟左側的中華書院頂層全層 The Vernacular Normal School for Men was located on the top floor of the Chung Wah College, which was left of the Man Mo Temple
圖片來源:東華三院文物館藏 Source: Collection of Tung Wah Museum
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
周埈年爵士出席羅富國師範專科學校開放日賣物會 Sir Chau Tsun-nin attended the charity bazaar at Northcote Training College’s Open Day
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
羅富國師範專科學校第一屆校友日戲劇表演 A dramatic performance on Northcote Training College’s inaugural Alumni Day
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
羅富國師範學院般咸道校舍上課情況 A class at Northcote Training College, Bonham Road Campus
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
羅富國教育學院,般咸道校舍 Northcote College of Education, Bonham Road Campus
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
羅富國教育學院,般咸道校舍 Northcote College of Education, Bonham Road Campus
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
羅富國教育學院,般咸道校舍 Northcote College of Education, Bonham Road Campus
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
羅富國教育學院,沙宣道校舍 Northcote College of Education, Sassoon Road Campus
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
羅富國教育學院,沙宣道校舍 Northcote College of Education, Sassoon Road Campus
羅富國教育學院 Northcote College of Education
羅富國教育學院,沙宣道校舍 Northcote College of Education, Sassoon Road Campus
香港官立鄉村師範專科學校 Rural Training College
鄉村師範學校路標,豎立於粉嶺松柏塱總督別墅的路邊 T he Rural Training College sign was erected on the road near the Governor’s Lodge in Tsung Pak Long, Fanling
香港官立鄉村師範專科學校 Rural Training College
香港官立鄉村師範專科學校學生在張園校舍上體育課的情形 A physical education lesson on the Cheung Yuen Campus of the Rural Training College
香港官立鄉村師範專科學校 Rural Training College
香港官立鄉村師範專科學校第八屆學生與葛量洪師範學院宿舍舍監葉梁寶祿女士之合照 Group photo of the eighth-year students at the Rural Training College with Mrs Grace Yapp, the hostel manager of the Grantham Training College Hostel
香港官立鄉村師範專科學校 Rural Training College
香港官立鄉村師範專科學校由粉嶺兒童保育會改建而成的校舍 Second campus of the Rural Training College in the renovated Child-care Association building in Fanling
葛量洪教育學院 Grantham College of Education
葛量洪爵士在葛量洪師範學院開幕典禮致辭 Sir Alexander Grantham delivering a speech at Grantham Training College Opening Ceremony
葛量洪教育學院 Grantham College of Education
葛量洪師範學院開放日 An Open Day at Grantham Training College
葛量洪教育學院 Grantham College of Education
葛量洪教育學院校園草場 The Grass Court at Grantham College of Education
葛量洪教育學院 Grantham College of Education
葛量洪教育學院鍾永文導師與學生以絲綢印刷作畫 Mr Chung Wing-man, from Grantham College of Education, silk screen printing with a student
葛量洪教育學院 Grantham College of Education
葛量洪教育學院校舍 Grantham College of Education Campus
葛量洪教育學院 Grantham College of Education
葛量洪教育學院校舍 Grantham College of Education Campus
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院學生身着校服,於學院的基督徒團契展覽室合照 Students of Sir Robert Black College of Education in their school uniforms in the Christian Fellowship exhibition room at the College
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基師範學院在鶴園街校舍舉辦的手工組展覽 The handicraft team of Sir Robert Black Training College held an exhibition on the Hok Yuen Street Campus
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院劉兆禧先生教授絲網印刷的教學場景 Mr Lau Siu-hee teaching silk screen printing at Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院,琵琶山校舍 Sir Robert Black College of Education, Piper’s Hill Campus
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院,琵琶山校舍 Sir Robert Black College of Education, Piper’s Hill Campus
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院,琵琶山校舍 Sir Robert Black College of Education, Piper’s Hill Campus
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院,圓洲角校舍 Sir Robert Black College of Education, Yuen Chau Kok Campus
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院,圓洲角校舍 Sir Robert Black College of Education, Yuen Chau Kok Campus
柏立基教育學院 Sir Robert Black College of Education
柏立基教育學院,圓洲角校舍 Sir Robert Black College of Education, Yuen Chau Kok Campus
香港工商師範學院 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院學生於三師運動會男子接力邀請賽獲季軍的合照 Students of the Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College after winning second runner-up in the Men’s Relay Race at the Inter-College Athletic Meet
香港工商師範學院 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院學生齊心拔河 Students of the Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College pulling together in a tug-of-war
香港工商師範學院 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院舉辦的講座 A lecture at the Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院第五屆授憑禮 The Fifth Speech Day of the Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院校舍 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College Campus
香港工商師範學院 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院校舍 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College Campus
香港工商師範學院 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College
香港工商師範學院校舍 Hong Kong Technical Teachers’ College Campus
語文教育學院 Institute of Language in Education
第七屆語文教育學院國際研討會——語文教與學素質的維持與達成 “Maintaining and Achieving Quality in Language Teaching and Learning”, 7th Institute of Language in Education International Conference
語文教育學院 Institute of Language in Education
語文教育學院複修課程結業典禮 The Graduation Ceremony of the refresher course at the Institute of Language in Education
語文教育學院 Institute of Language in Education
語文教育學院的課堂場景 A class at the Institute of Language in Education
語文教育學院 Institute of Language in Education
語文教育學院新院舍開幕典禮 Institute of Language in Education new premises Opening Ceremony
語文教育學院 Institute of Language in Education
語文教育學院校舍 Institute of Language in Education Campus
語文教育學院 Institute of Language in Education
語文教育學院校舍 Institute of Language in Education Campus