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An Exhibition Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of

The Education University of Hong Kong

2024年,香港教育大學(教大)踏進30載光輝里程,以「育才弘教 立德樹人」為30周年校慶主題,強調「才」和「德」的重要,凸顯大學的核心使命。為了與公眾一同慶祝這珍貴時刻,教大於2024年8月10日至18日在中環街市舉辦《百載師道.三秩桃李︰香港教育大學三十周年校慶展覽》

是次展覽透過舊照片、文物和互動裝置,以豐富的內容及多樣化的形式,既回顧教大的教育歷史傳承,又聚焦教大30年在課程擴展、學術科研、國際合作 、人才培養、知識轉移等方面的卓越成就與發展,更展示教大在推動師德和價值觀教育,以及弘揚中華傳統文化方面的豐碩成果與貢獻。

In 2024, as The Education University of Hong Kong steps into its 30th glorious milestone, the University celebrates its anniversary with the theme “Education Talent Virtue”. To celebrate this precious moment with the public, EdUHK hosted the exhibition “Heritage of Teacher Education in Hong Kong: An Exhibition Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of The Education University of Hong Kong” in Central Market from 10 to 18 August 2024.

By displaying old photos and artifacts related to EdUHK’s history and providing multimedia interactive experiences for visitors, this exhibition featured rich content in diverse forms. It not only reviewed EdUHK’s historical and educational legacy but also focused on the University’s remarkable achievements and advancements over the past thirty years in curriculum expansion, academic research, international cooperation, talent development, and knowledge transfer, etc. This exhibition also showcased EdUHK’s fruitful contributions in promoting teacher ethics and values education, as well as the excellence of traditional Chinese culture.

Exhibition Highlight





