2015至2024年,教大連續10年在QS世界大學學科教育領域躋身亞洲五強,並曾高踞亞洲第二位及全球第九位。 在最新公佈的「QS世界大學排名:亞洲 2025」中,教大首次參與排名,即在984間亞洲高校中排名第212位,位列前25%。此外,教大於QS之星大學評級系統中,獲評為「5星院校」,顯示其在教學、科研及設施等方面獲得國際認可。 教大設立的「高等教育教學與創新卓越中心」亦於2024年QS全球教學創新大獎「夥伴關係的力量」組別獲得銅獎,顯示教大力臻教育項目的合作與創新,提升教育質量、公平和效率。
Inheriting a solid foundation from the former teacher training institutions, EdUHK has become the largest tertiary institution specialised in teacher education in Hong Kong. EdUHK is ranked 6th globally in Education and Educational Research in the 2024-2025 U.S. News & World Report Best Global Universities Rankings. In the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024, EdUHK is ranked 5th in Asia and 20th in the world in Education and Training. Its leadership in the area of education is recognised internationally.
From 2015 to 2024, EdUHK has been ranked in the top 5 in Asia in Education for 10 consecutive years according to the QS University Rankings by Subject, with the highest ranking of 2nd in Asia and 9th in the world. In the recently released “QS Asia University Rankings 2025”, EdUHK made its debut at 212th out of 984 universities. This achievement places the University among the top 25% of institutions in Asia. Furthermore, EdUHK has been rated as a “5-star institution” in the latest QS Stars rating system. This international recognition highlights EdUHK’s excellence in teaching, research, facilities and other areas. Additionally, EdUHK project Centre of Excellence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning Innovations (CEHETLI) has won the Bronze Award in the Power of Partnership category at the prestigious QS Reimagine Education Awards, emphasising its commitment to collaboration and innovation in enhancing quality, equity and efficiency in education.