

By publishing a series of books, the Hong Kong Education Stories Oral History Project introduces how schools and teachers in various districts nurture the students and contribute to the societal development.

Starting from 2019, the Hong Kong Museum of Education of EdUHK has conducted oral history interviews with alumni of 60 well-established schools on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories, and the outlying islands to reminisce about their youthful days and share with the public heartwarming stories of their school years, featuring their principals, teachers and supporting staff. These interviews were conducted under the leadership of the incumbent President, Professor John Lee Chi-kin. Here are ten of these touching moments:

1. 獲准寄居於學校廚房 Living in the School Kitchen

2. 修女謙卑用心的服侍 Serving with Heart and Humility

3. 一次家訪的溫暖故事 A Home Visit that Warms the Heart

4. 畢生難忘的父子情 Fatherly Connection for Life

5. 刻骨銘心的照顧之恩 Unforgettable Grace of Care

6. 師生情繫數十載 Decades of Teacher-Student Rapport

7. 寬恕的力量 The Power of Forgiveness

8. 文字的尊嚴 The Invaluable Words

9. 培養幽默感和服務社群的精神 Fostering a Sense of Humour and the Will to Serve

10. 歲月冲不去的師生情 A Timeless Bond between Teachers and Students